Broadwater Clinic

Frequently Asked Questions about Broadwater Clinic, visits, and getting better

Q1. What is a rheumatologist?

A rheumatologist, is a specialist doctor with experience and expertise in treating pain caused by inflammatory and degenerative arthritis, a lot of the conditions located on Arthritis Ireland website contains information about specific conditions that we treat here in the clinic.

Arthritis Ireland

Arthritis Foundation | Arthritis Support, Resources, Research & Advocacy

Q2. What Services do you provide?

We provide assessment and recommendations for the treatment of joint pain, such as hand, foot, knee, hip, shoulder, back, neck pain. We also provide diagnostics and management of ongoing arthritis and osteoporosis. Please see our Services page for more information on services

Services | Broadwater Clinic

Q3. How many options have I for rheumatoid arthritis treatment?

In the last 25 Years, many new options have been developed and rheumatoid arthritis is now a largely controllable disease.

Q4. If I have polymyalgia rheumatica will I be on treatment for life?

Many patients will go into remission with successful treatment, using corticosteroids. Recently biologics have become an option.

Q5. Are their treatment options for osteoarthritis?

While their is no cure for osteoarthritis, it can be improved with medication, exercise and diet.

Q6. What treatment options are their for osteoporosis?

Medication weekly or 6 monthly, exercise and also supplements or diet or both. In more severe cases their are other treatment options.

Q7. Typical First Appointment

We review your referral letter, your past history and your current presenting complaints. We will then do a focused examination of the relevant areas and come up with a treatment plan.

Q8. How many follow on appointments?

The number of appointments needed vary depending on your personal presentation. Patients with inflammatory arthritis will require ongoing treatment.

Q9. How long after steroid injections before relief?

2 days to a week after injections patients typically get relief.

Q10. Are there any side effects of injections?

Their is possible side effects of all medications, such side effects of steroid injections include infection, bleeding, bruising, may cause acute pain before benefit felt.

Q11. What are your consult fees?

Initial consult fees is €240, each follow up appointment is €130.

Q12. If I need injections are they covered by Private Health Insurance?

Yes, we are fully covered by all major health insurers such as, VHI, LAYA, Irish Life.

Q13. Do you accept card?

Yes, we accept all forms of payment

Our aim is to provide prompt diagnostic assessment facilitating early focused intervention for pain and inflammatory and degenerative arthritis.